Conversion Harness Modification for KTUNER

I decided to go for a cheap wiring harness, over here in Australia they are reasonably priced where as something like KTUNED or other brand names can be near $500 AUD. Most of these conversion harnesses are directed at the KPRO style ecus (not the 05/06 Ktuner wired ones). In this article i’ll run through what is required.

Brian from vtec Academy has put together a great video on this which I’ll link below. There are however another couple of wires which need to be moved which are to do with the Oxygen sensor.

I’ve also included a list of what needs to be modified:

  • Move wire from ECU E plug position 1 to ECU E Plug Position 17
  • Move wire from ECU E plug position 26 to ECU E Plug Position 25
  • Speed Sensor output: Move wire from C101 plug position 3 to ECU E Plug Position 26
  • Fan Control: Move wire from C101 Plug position 7 to ECU E Plug Position 12
  • Secondary O2 Sensor: Move wire from ECU E plug position 2 to ECU E Plug Position 20
  • Secondary O2 Sensor: Move wire from ECU E plug position 6 to ECU E Plug Position 21
  • Reverse Lockout: Brand new wire from C101 Plug position 12 to ECU E Plug Position 2

I’ve included the pinouts for these 2 plugs which we are swapping wires around. You can see the 02-04 vs 05/06 differences and double check the reasoning behind why we are doing these changes.